A few weeks after you purchase a home within a homeowner’s association managed by Insight Association Management a coupon book or statement will be sent to you in the mail. Once you receive this coupon book or statement you can send your payment via US mail, set up online bill pay through your bank, set up online payments through the Association’s bank website, or set up online payments through the Association’s website via IAM Connected.
Important information to help with your assessment payments.
Pay Your Assessments Via U.S. Mail:
Your Association Name
C/O Insight Association Management L.P.
PO Box 97981
Las Vegas, NV 89193-7981
Online & Recurring Payments

One time or recurring online payments can be set up through the Association’s website or mobile app, IAM Connected. Convenience fees will apply. If this is your first time logging in, you will need to verify your Association Account Number to get started. Your Association Account Number can be found on your coupon or statement.

One time or recurring online payments can be set up through Alliance Association Bank at the website. Convenience fees will apply.
Select Your Payment Method
If this is your first time you will need to click “Create an Account” to get started.
In order to make an online payment you will need the following information:
Management Company ID:
Management Company ID:
Association ID:
Your Association Account Number can be found on your coupon or statement.
Automatic Billpay
You may also set up your payment through your bank’s online billpay system. Payments can be set up using the same mailing address and account number listed on your payment coupons.
Please be sure to allow at least 7-10 days for your bank to process the payment and mail it to us. With many online billpay systems once the funds are drafted from your bank account, the bank has to process the payment and mail a check to us via US mail. This can delay the payment several days. The “delivery date” listed on your banks website is their estimate of when the payment will be delivered. Please be sure to check with your bank to see what their processing time is and set your payment schedule accordingly.